Friday, August 31, 2012


What an interesting veggie growing year.  Rain and cold followed by hot and dry!  Hot peppers are ripening like mad.  Deer carpet bombed the blue lake pole beans.  They have recovered and are starting to produce.  I'm trying spaghetti squash for the first time.  Red carrots have been a hit with everyone.  Deer also got redbor kale, it is regrown and kale chips are on the menu for the weekend.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Ah... Spring. I’m sitting here on my doorstep, coffee cup in hand, gazing at a beautiful bunch of crocus. There are seven fully open brilliant yellow blooms. What is it about yellow flowers in the spring? By August I am sick of the colour yellow, but in the Spring yellow makes me happy. I also see a cluster of Snowdrops. I keep forgetting I have them but as the snow melts, much to my surprise, there they are hiding under the leaves and litter of winter. Spring will be here tomorrow and I just may do a little "dance of joy" around my garden, but in the dark so the neighbors don’t see me.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


We had a very successful Seedy Saturday here in Fredericton yesterday. Lots of seeds... I'm going to try several peonies from seed, a collection of alpines for hypertufa planters and heritage tomatoes and radish. I also got some seeds for tall Jack in the pulpit. I'll be starting to seed plants tomorrow. I have series of fluorescent lights on chains that I can raise and lower and a heat cable in sand growing table.

It must be spring!

Birds are nest building! I just came home from a weekend in Kentville, and the temperatures for next week are forecast to be between 14 and 20 all week!  It's too early!
My mother has a grand group of spring witch hazels in bloom, the snowdrops are out and the crocus are ready to pop. I can say the same for my garden in Truro. My Arnold's Promise hazel has been just glorious for a month now - if you don't own one of these, you really should. Warning - deer love them.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Winter that Wasn't

I panicked and took my potted shrubs and plants that usually live in the yard and put them into cold storage. I mean -20 one day and +10 the next? It was just asking a bit much for them to put up with that again and again.